Would More Sex Really Make You Happier?

What happens when couples try to double their sexual frequency?

More sex = greater happiness? Not according to a recent Carnegie Mellon report. It showed that when couples doubled their sexual frequency, they reported less happiness, decreased sexual satisfaction, and reduced well-being.

How odd.

Previous research shows that sex boosts happiness and that more sex increases it:

In a survey of 16,000 American adults, Swedish behavioral economists found that quadrupling sexual frequency from once a month to once a week boosted happiness as much as having an extra $50,000 in the bank.
Princeton behavioral economists asked 1,000 women which life activities made them feel happiest. They ranked sex Number One.
University of Texas psychologists asked 442 men and women why they have sex. The top reason: “Pleasure.”
So why does the recent report differ from previous studies? Simple: Instead of asking general questions about sexual frequency and happiness, the Carnegie Mellon researchers actually instructed couples to boost their sexual frequency.

“Go Home and Have Twice As Much Sex”

The subjects were 64 volunteer, married, heterosexual couples who already made love at least once a month. University of Pittsburgh researchers surveyed their happiness in general, their sexual frequency, and how they felt about their lovemaking.…

Aphrodisiac Foods That Boost Your Libido

An aphrodisiac is defined as a food or drug that arouses sexual instinct, brings on desire or increases sexual pleasure or performance.

Naturally, aphrodisiacs are a hot topic, as evidenced by the myriad of pharmaceutical drugs available and marketed specifically for their libido-boosting effects.

However, some individuals prefer natural alternatives, as they are generally safer and tend to have fewer side effects.

This article reviews 7 science-backed aphrodisiacs that can boost your libido.

1. Maca
Maca is a sweet root vegetable with several health benefits.

In South America it’s commonly used to boost fertility, even going by the nickname “the Peruvian Viagra.” It grows predominantly in the mountains of central Peru and is related to cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, kale and cabbage (1).

Maca is one of the few popular natural aphrodisiacs that’s actually backed by science.

Animal studies report increases in libido and erectile function in mice and rats fed maca (2).

And maca seems to have libido-boosting effects in humans too. Four high-quality studies reported that participants experienced enhanced sexual desire after they consumed maca (3, 4, 5, 6).

Furthermore, a small study suggests that maca may help reduce the loss of libido that’s commonly experienced as a side effect of certain antidepressant drugs (7).…

Why Sex is A Medicine

Are you curious about your sex life? Well, you can check any Random sex blog for the information that you have been looking for the sex. There are many things that you need to know, and that can help you a lot in the long run. You can get so many things done with the help of Sex on a regular basis, rather than just using vibrator all weekend.

However, it is not that regular, but still, it can be beneficial for you in so many ways. Keep making love with your partner, and you can get across many positions that you can use to get a better sex experience. We have mentioned some amazing things that you need to know about having Sex and the positions that you use.

How can positions help you improve your Sex?

When you are in your bed making love with your spouse or your girlfriend, then you need some better positions to satisfy her. There is no doubt in the fact that these positions depend a lot on the sex that you will have.

You get to choose from a lot of things that can help you to get better at sex and everything.